Monday, May 10, 2010

University of Belgrano: how NOT to run a university

So I know that you are aware school is the least exciting aspect of this adventure (hence the lack of posts on it) but here's a quick blurb on why it is insanely frustrating somethimes - becasue even if you can't do anything about the problem, it still makes you feel better to know there are other people use common sense too.

At UB, we have attendance cards. You swipe it on any floor before your class to show you are there. Not so bad, right?

Wrong. There are a hundred little rules that makes actually attending as difficult as possible. When did simply attending class not count as attendance? Some rules so you have an idea: The day is split into three time blocks, so it its not the class that is recorded, it is the chunk of the day. So if you have 2 classes in one period, you swipe once. But if you have one class right after the other...but it happens to fall into the later time block, you swipe twice. If the class starts at 2pm, you have to swipe it then. Accidentally swipe at 1:59? Nope - you're absent. And then there's my favorite - if class is cancelled by the dont get to stay home, or avoid the 30+ minute commute. You still have to swipe. And on top of all of this, we have to find it out by ourselves the hard way. No warnings, info...nada.

None of this wouldn't be so bad if attendance wasn't required. But it is. You can only miss 25% which ends up being around 3-4 classes.

I am currently in an e-mail battle with my advisor after being curious and checking my attendance online. I just about screamed when I saw every class was below 40%. Not good. And more than that, NOT true!

I am NOT going to miss this.

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