...just thumpin' to the rhythm of a heart...
no, but besides the ever-catchy song, something else has been stuck in my head lately. Something just as catchy, but a little bigger in my book. I've been talking lately, more than usual, about the "big topics." You know, gay marriage, abortion, all that. And I have some big opinions on those, but I don't need to write about them. If you want to know, let's chat. Because I'd like to know your opinions on it too.
But besides legalities, I have also been in the situation a few times to explain to strangers exactly what I believe. I feel like this one comes up a lot travelling, and it is equally out of interest as a way to categorize. It's trendy to have certain beliefs in a group travelling, and from my experiences, being a white, middle class, Christian girl from the south is not one of them. In fact, I think it might be the quickest way to be excluded from any sort of spiritual or "open-minded" conversation.
But funny thing with this question is that it is both:
1. my favorite question upon meeting a person
2. my least favorite question when meeting someone
I'll explain the first reason after, but why and when it is my least favorite:
When people want a quick answer. Think about it, when you ask what someone believes, you are asking what they base their personality, pursuit, moral code, their life on. Sure you can give the short answer, but I'm not willing to give it unless you want to know why.
When they aren't willing to listen. I understand being set in your beliefs, in knowing where you stand. But that doesn't mean you can't listen. It's quite the contrary actually - in being set in your beliefs you should be capable of listening even more actively without the fear of being swayed. And if that person does have something big enough, powerful enough to actually sway you even the - maybe listening was the best thing you ever did.
When it's asked to prove a [negative] point. This is the same as generalizing, stereotyping, name-calling.
The reasons for why it is also my favorite question are basically the opposites of the reasons above. But more than anything, it is because it's the fastest, scariest, most honest way to really get to know someone. And because the more you talk it out, the more you start to get it yourself. This one might just be me, but I find talking about my beliefs outside of the safe area of my church helps me solidify and grow in my beliefs just as much. (How boring, and easy, would it be if we believed something our entire life and never had something to compare it to?) The saying "knowledge is power" comes to mind here. It would be pretty ignorant to live for something without knowing what else is out there....because actually choosing to follow a certain path is half the battle. Dedicating your life to something shouldn't come easy; it should take some big thought.
But before getting into too many of my own beliefs (I am just as confused and mistaken as anyone else in this race for something bigger) , I want to share the basis of it all. I am a Christian. That is the path I have chosen. And the book I choose to follow, the Bible, has a lot of cool parts to it. But here's the one I'm focusing on right now: 1 Corinthians 13.
I think it's important to read the whole chapter, because we have heard it broken up into its many powerful pieces, but the pieces not so often quoted make a lot of sense too. But the main points can be very briefly stated as a.) God created love, so therefore he is love b.) we were created in love, so everyone is capable of loving c.) because we were created in the image of love, we are meant to love others in the same way. Or we could break it down even further to God = Love.
So, if you ask what I believe and you're searching for the short answer …that might just be it. Love. Because even if I don't agree with you, believe the same things, get caught up on some technicalities - some wordings, or translations, or just ideas. Even if I am stuck wondering if the book and path I have chosen to model my life on are in fact the ones i want, I am comforted with that thought. Because I can't think of anything better to live for. Because when it all comes down to it, loving my neighbor, my enemies, and myself equally doesn't sound like to bad of a thing to strive for.
I have been embarrassed of myself and of other "Christians" for our representation of what we stand for, of a lifestyle we claim in calling ourselves Christians. I have disagreed with entire church opinions. I have definitely failed at times, and gone entire periods of my life without a thought of God. But for all of these transgressions, for all of the smaller things I have had to think out,
I take comfort in knowing
that according to my book.....
Love rules.
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