I regret not writing more throughout this month, but perhaps that in itself is indicative of how time flies - I had it in my head that I would write how I did in Argentina, as experiences arose, my excitement bursting to be shared with friends, family, etc...But, in the plainest language I can muster - Costa Rica is just different.
The longer I have been here, the more I have been comparing it with my experiences in Argentina (hence, the title). This I have realized, is not a good way of going about it as I have literally found no similarities besides their native language, and even that is quite different. (¡Usted vs. Vos!). So now that I know Costa Rican fruit is as good as Argentinean steak, that I do in fact like subways more than busses, and much prefer a late-night crowd than an early morning one....I am done with comparisons :)
Costa Rica.
Green Season = the tourism industries invented word to replace "winter" meaning: pleasently sunny mornings with mountain views interrupeted by torrential-zueslike-endoftheworld- afternoon showers (and occasionally hail?)
Gallo Pinto = Painted rooster (literally) aka: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. A delicious combo of beans and rice, best topped with juevos fritos and some slabs of platanos fritos
UCR = largest university in the country at 35,000 students (!!!) jungle-like campus set in the "trendy, upbeat" San Pedro....aka the most night clubs and restaurants as well as pickpockets
La Casita = Where we have classes AKA the gringo house across from Hooters, whicks backs to the famed "parque de amor" where ticos cuddle, kiss, and more outside of our windows. Rain or shine.
MLSA = cheapest program with the best host families and not much more. Almost exclusively southern students, half of which seem to be getting married (ha) and a smattering of ex-military and spanish teachers
Host Family = pure luck. Actually, a great suggestion...either way ours consistes of: Alicia Rojas (mamí) - a rough little woman with equally rough spanish and a good sense of humor, our main lady and companion in the house and can cook to boot! Papí\Franky - The old man of the house, always popping in and out. Karen/Santiago - Host brother/sister even though they have about 10 years on me....married, live in the back house and always up for a good chat/hw help. Aaron - their son and a riot. Probobaly the closest in language level at 2 years old, massively independant, and daily greetings with "la bomba" and Rihanna dance parties. Leo(nardo) - Host cousin technically, more like brother...18 years old and acustombrado a comer en su cuarto (jaja), constant raegae music coming from his room. JeanCarlos/Michael - half brothers to Leo, host cousins and fellow students. Spend most mornings with these boys and they probobaly use our phones as much as we do. Laura/Elliot - Host sister and her amigovio, visit often and source of the two minpin pups! Ryan - Lauras grown son and inandout visitor as well, quiet except for the word "mae,mae,mae" and then the montón do amigos (Cris y "moto") y familia!
Up next: Leave friday morning with our mom and grandma for a 10day adventure, then on to WWOOFing down the coast! Excited and ready -- Pura Vida!!!